Director's Message
"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world." (Nelson Mandela)
Yes, St. Francis School belives in the fact, well stated by Nelson Mandela that through education one can change the
whole world. And I am sure that, we, the team of St. Francis School, through our Motto, ' Learn, Love and Serve' are
trying to change the world of the learners who come to seek knowledge from us. Quoting here one more similar statement
by Lon Watters, "School is a building which has four walls with tomorrow inside", we feel immense pride in stating
that the endless efforts are put in by the Meticulous Management, profound teaching faculty, adequate supporting
staff, and Admirable parents. Because "Education is not preparation for life; Education is life itself."(John Dewey)
It is generally said, "Locks are never manufactured without a key and similarly God never gives problems without
solutions. Only we need to have the patience to unlock them". St.Francis School is the solution to the problem of
illiteracy. So let's work together to solve the problem of illiteracy. May Sacred Heart of Jesus bless us and
St.Francis Xavier our Patron intercede for us!.